In partnerschip with Cevora, discover our online blended learning sessions :
"Tips and tricks for efficiënt teleworking"
YEAR 2025
Incompany sessions possible upon request in FR, NL and UK
In partnerschip met Cevora, discover ou online blended learning sessions :
"Better concentrated thanks to focus "
YEAR 2025
Incompany sessions possible upon request in FR and NL.
To all the supermen who work remotely in pyjamas halfway down and in superhero costume in front of their webcam!
Let all women raise their superpower woman drink and say out loud: "I am a woman who works also from home and I am simply incredible!".
What will be the impact of hybride working
on the insurance sector ?
Will students at AP School Antwerp embrace a conservative or progressive approach ?
At Nest Your Desk, we are excited to instill the right mindset and essential soft & digital skills.
Additionally, we encourage them to consider creating a specific insurance package for freelance nomads, an innovative and crucial aspect to propose for they next internship.
Discover how to boost work satisfaction, wellbeing and happiness!
E-MEETUP in Dutch
Free registration with this link.
E-MEETUP in Dutch
• Wat moeten we daarmee?
• Gaat de impact echt zo groot zijn?
• Wat gaat dit veranderen aan hoe we werken?
• Welke acties moeten we nu nemen?
• Wat zijn de mogelijke gevaren ?
Schrijf gratis in via de link.
Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes,
le 08 mars 2023, Amazone organise son lunch-meeting gratuit:
« Pour un monde digital inclusif (DigitALL) :
innovation et technologies pour l’égalité de genre »
L'innovation, le changement technologique et l’éducation à l’ère du numérique pour parvenir à l’égalité de genre et autonomiser toutes les femmes et les filles.
Participez à nos conférences le 2 et 3 février!
En collaboration avec Cefora, Nest Your Desk a le plaisir d'intervenir dans le thème de la collaboration synchrone et asynchrone.
Accès aux inscriptions par ce lien.
Welke uitdagingen wens jij aan te pakken dit jaar ?
Doe mee aan onze community "best practicus FutureOfWorkBE" en
kom in gesprek met co-auteurs van ons boek en verschillende experts NWOW
Doe gratis mee hier op Vrijdag 27/01 om 15u00.
NL EVENT: Studiedag 'Telewerk Inclusief Organiseren'
In het kader van het ESF-project ‘Telewerk Inclusief Organiseren’ hebben Odisee, Mediawijs en Ella vzw een tool ontwikkelt zodat teams kunnen klaarstomen voor telewerk waar inclusie en welzijn centraal staan.
- Heb je vragen over hoe je telewerk succesvol implementeert?
- Hoe je telewerk kan inzetten om meer diversiteit aan te trekken in je organisatie?
Kom gratis deel nemen!
Hybride werken kan een boost voor jou en je organisatie betekenen. Wat heeft deze evolutie in petto voor jouw loopbaan als Office Manager/Health Care Manager?
18.30 uur - Onthaal op campus Meistraat
19.00 uur - Gastcollege met keynote speakers Veerle Galle van Admore en Viviane Kock van Nest Your Desk
20.45 uur - Netwerkmoment en receptie
Donderdag 24 november 2022, 18.30 uur - 22.00 uur
Television debate in French: "Comment booster notre bien-être au travail ?"
EVENT EN DUTCH : Hybrid meetings, fingers in the nose ?
Shift van Office-first naar Hybrid-first werkomgeving
Bricks en de evolutie van hybride vergader ruimtes
Wat heb je precies nodig dat het technisch "easy work" is ?
Ethics in hybrid meetings:
Ga verder dan de technologie; faciliteer beter dankzij een betere attitude zowel voor de deelnemer als de meeting leader.
Gratis inschrijven kan via deze link.
Webinar in French:
Snorkeling entre collaboration et cohésion hybride
• Quel est votre plan de reboarding après les vacances ?
• Êtes-vous outillés pour motiverr vos collaborateurs ?
• Quelles sont vos actions pour renforcer la cohésion sociale ?
Inscrivez-vous via ce lien :
Take care about gender equity with new agreements & attitudes.
Learn new (non)verbal practices of "doing gender"
Discover your voice with secret practices!
Please registrer here with this link
Hybride meet up on friday 24th June from 3pm till 5pm.
In collaboration with MLOZ, our partner for the writing of our recent book, Nest Your Desk, co-author of this boek and the initiator of this book Bart Van Roey from Ihop are inviting you to take part to our meetup to speak about digital collaboration !
Information and free registration with this link.
In partnerschip with Cevora, discover our online blended learning sessions :
"Tips and tricks for efficiënt teleworking"
English session on request for your company available
French speaking event
En collaboration avec notre partenaire Wellbeing At Work de Luxembourg, on vite invite gratuitement à ce webinar mettant en lumière le contexte des femmes en situation de télétravail et quelle évolution est à prévoir, à souhaiter.
Venez découvrir les rôles que l'entreprise, l'homme et la femme elle-même peut mettre en place.
Inscrivez-vous ici.
French speaking event
En collaboration avec The Urban Woman Coworking, venez déguster un fabuleux brunch agrémenté d'une conférence-débât sur l'évolution de femme en télétravail!
Pour participer, ouvrez ce lien!
Hoe integreer je de nieuwe gewoonten ?
Hoe transformeer je jouw organisatie zodat ze sterk, duurzaam en verbindend wordt in de nieuwe "hyperdigitale" wereld ?
In ons dialoogboek kies je je eigen prioriteiten binnen 5 hefbomen: People, Process, tools, Bricks en Remote.
Wil je het gesprek aangaan met de co-auteurs ? Maak dan kennis met hun laagdrempelige community of practice.
Doe gratis mee hier op Donderdag 27/01 om 16u30.
In partnerschip with Cevora, discover our online blended learning sessions :
"Tips and tricks for efficiënt teleworking"
English session on request for your company available
De co-auteurs "Voorbij het nieuwe werken: een dialoog boek" organiseren verschillende e-meetups rond het hybride werken.
Thema 1: Hoe start je dialoog
Thema 2 "Cultuur: lost in transition"
Kom er gratis deel aan nemen bij deze link.
In partnerschip with Cevora, discover our online blended learning sessions : "Tips and tricks for efficiënt teleworking"
English session on request for your company
In partnerschip with Cevora, discover our online blended learning sessions :
"Tips and tricks for efficiënt teleworking"
English session on request for your company available
Virtual launch of our book! It will be moderated in dutch:
"Het boek is het resultaat van jaren ervaring en dialoog, aangevuld met geactualiseerde inzichten en is gestructureerd rond 5 hefbomen of invalshoeken: People, Process, Tools, Bricks en Remote. Doe mee aan onze online lancering op
Join us to listen to my last interesting Podcast with Michel Godart, real human connector at work!
COVID-19: The new 'telework' requirement
We are invited to be creative and to try the telework experience despite some fears.
Given the urgency and discomfort that organisations are experiencing, Wellbeing@Work Luxembourg and Nest Your Desk provide you with concrete tips and food for thought for today and for the future.
Virtual meeting Monday 23rd March from 13.30 till 14.15 pm.
WEBINAR: Telewerk in tijden van het Coronavirus.
In samenwerking met La cellule Mobilité en FOD Federal Overheidsdienst, wordt u vriendelijk uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan het webinar donderdag 19 maart.
In het Frans van 11u00 tot 12u00
In het Nederlands van 14u00 tot 15u00
Wanneer #telewerken een noodzaak wordt.
Neem deel deze woensdag 18 maart vanaf 12u30.
Het collectief FutureofworkBE, achter het boek "Voorbij het Nieuwe Werken", organiseert een online meetup om elkaar te steunen door tips en tricks uit te wisselen, en te luisteren naar elkaar.
Nest Your Desk is looking forward to participate at the next conferences in Brussels schools in order to sensibilise young ladies to entrepreneurship during the week of "La semaine de l'Entrepreneuriat au Féminin" organized by the 100 000 Entrepreneurs !
And for that, we need support of our young boys as well, to stimulate the ladies!
Come & join us at the Diversity Forum on 14/02 to evolve in the possible steps to include diversity at work as well as with remote working for people with disabilities.
On 28th November, VOV fair will be a true Learn & Development festival, with various stages and a unique atmosphere. I sis the day for everyone who has to do with Learn & Improve.
Nest Your Desk will be there with is Partners of FutureOfWork to promote our e-book.
I visit this fair
19th September in the national telework day, let's celebrate it!
The Mobility Week (16 - 22th September) set companies in motion for sustainable mobility.
I'm registrering for the National Telework Day 2019!
The mobility week.
Highlight your mobility initiatives or make an action plan.
A trick to reduce mobility ? Go for homeworking!
Each year, the Diversity Steering Group and the Federal Diversity Network organize the "Diversity Award". The goal is to draw attention to small and large diversity projects in federal public services by rewarding them for their efforts.
Put in place good practices and expand the recruitment of your talents with disabilities by giving them access to telework.
I do my registration to participate before 6th September 2019.
Le monde du travail change. Etes-vous prêt ?
Découvrez les facettes du Nouveau Monde du travail et situez-vous dans le réseau local.
En collaboration avec Wings For Work et Switch Coworking.
Onze 1ste MeetUp van ons boek Future of Work.
Het thema zal "Bricks" zijn.
In welke mate werkt u al volgens de principes van Het Nieuwe Werken (NWOW)?
Is uw werkomgeving hieraan al aangepast ?
Promoting diversity on the workfloor thanks to remote working and fiscality:
recent initiatives taken in Luxemburg.
Nest Your Desk is very excited to participate in the Diversity Day Award on 17th May 2018 in Luxemburg City.
One of the diversities that still seems complex to set up within organizations is the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities .
Varied support exists as well as specific trainings which can offer a magnificent leverage to integrating this diversity on the wokplace!
Nest Your Desk participates in the conference Diversity & Inclusion conference
on 15th May at BNParibas.
A moment of exchanging and sharing good practice, tips & tricks for taking action, while respecting the sizes, budgets and resources of organizations.
Nest Your Desk is excited to collaborate on the Boston Consulting Group event to boost women's professional futures through the workshop " I am my boss: discovering efficient tips and tricks to study and work better!"
The National and European action "Duoday" aims to raise awareness among companies about disability.
It gives the opportunity to workers to meet their usual place of work candidates with disabilities looking for a job or questioning their vocational training.
Discover a new way of working from home for more motivation, productivity and well-being.
Working from home gives you the opportunity to learn new habits and behaviors at work and with others.
If remote working is an option in your organization, this conference will be very useful!
I have been experimenting with teleworking for a few years, which has prompted me to share with you visual, spatial, physical and mental tips to stay motivated and effective at home.
Participate and leave with some valuable tips for effective, pleasant and sustainable teleworking.
On the agenda :
12.00 - 12.30 : Welcome sandwiches
12.30 - 13.15 : Conference
13.15 - 14.00 : Debate around teleworking, stakes and implementation
This conference is destinated for stakeholders, managers and Human Resources managers and every person concerned by a remote project.