To our great surprise, the coronavirus is hurrying us all to bounce back and be creative !
Despite the discomforts, and even some economic disasters, we can still limit the damage thanks to the Internet. What if we had had to experience this without digital technology...
Most of the workers can continue to work remotely and maintain a certain productivity thanks to the numerous remote collaboration tools.
Whether for companies that are already teleworking 1 or 2 day(s) a week, or for those which are starting for the first time, the challenge is the same: switching to "full remote" mode is a game changer!
So let's take a closer look at how to set up a teleworking emergency plan!
As you know, digital is the gateway to teleworking. Nevertheless, some companies are not yet equipped, if only to meet remotely.
The analysis of your needs and some short-term investments are to be considered such as:
And how are you going to use these tools?
The first piece of advice is to share your agendas transparently in order to know everyone’s availability so as to avoid overloading your telephone or email communications.
The health of your employees also depends on the prevention of teleworking accidents or somewhere else.
Nevertheless, there are also other reasons to set up a legal framework:
To do so, define the framework of possibilities and limits of teleworking thanks to 3 essential documents:
Make sure that these documents are communicated and signed on the first teleworking day!
For any change in the company, and especially in the event of a crisis such as the one we are currently experiencing, it is essential to communicate with your employees on various 'health' aspects to avoid confusion, stress, or even panic such as:
It is not because you switch to full-time teleworking mode that you will lose contact, even if it is true that from the third day onwards, the effect of loneliness is felt. To avoid this, plan ahead!
In the office, the social link is naturally and spontaneously nurtured during meetings or breaks around the coffee machine.
Whereas in teleworking, it will be useful to organize your social life, to plan it so that the social link remains active.
There are many tricks and tips you can use to maintain the interaction:
As you will have understood, it is not enough to have the right tools to telework, it is also necessary to have the right attitude towards others.
It is of utmost importance to you that teleworking does not weaken the organization.
Therefore, agree on a charter for remote collaboration principles to remain effective and decide together on best practice including the following aspects:
Making use of the above tips and tricks will allow you to start teleworking safely for the next few weeks.
However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that implementing teleworking in a sustainable way in your organization requires more time, reflection, co-creation and training for all the actors of change.
As mentioned above, we are in Belgium fortunately not in Phase 3 of CoVID-19 and therefore not in quarantine. So do not cancel all your small group meetings for all that!
With Nest Your Desk, there are several ways possible to sustain teleworking:
We all hope that this extreme situation is temporary and short-lived.
Usually every company should have a "teleworking plan B" even if they do not wish to activate it. The lesson has been learned.
And thanks to this experience you realize that once the crisis is over it will be an opportunity to make teleworking sustainable and adapted to your organization thanks to all the tools suggested above.
It will then be wise to address the 'teleworking' aspects:
Given the emotional background linked to the coronavirus epidemics, I invite you to go beyond electronic communications (emails, Intranet, ...). Also plan meetings in small groups, in teams, to create a secure space for dialogue, whether in the office or online.context te creëren, zowel op kantoor als online.
And you will feel that your communication and informal approach will become essential to maintain the interaction and boost your productivity from a distance.
The main purpose of this charter is to
I wish all companies to maximise the potential of teleworking and to feel the benefits as soon as possible, while at the same time giving them a framework to minimise the risks that teleworking can also entail.