The new managers:
Open space & Community:
Stress management:
Nest Your Desk is the ambassador for teleworking and flexible work in offering a comprehensive training catalogue specifically dedicated to the subject matter, wether you work in the office, at home or virtually.
The New World of Working gives us great opportunities to upgrade our skills and behaviours for a fun, productive and sustainable way of working, supported by a great training programme.
You said yes to working from home ? You obtained the green light ? Congratulations!
So, it is now paramount to have a good framework to implement it, taking into account all te parameters, so that teleworking is effective and sustainable.
You will master the implementation through a retro planning while taking into account all the issues for the employer and his employees.
Organizational, legal and technical aspects will be discussed!
Training also available in English in Cevora's catalogus!
Wether or not an organization begins with teleworking or already has experience in the field, companies realize quite quickly that working form home does not allow for improvisation and that it is not enough to worry about technical assistance to be effective remotely. A simple plug in is not enough.
The"New Way Of Working" means "New habits and behaviors" and this is just as true with colleagues in the office as with one's children and / or partner at home!
Through visual, spatial, physical and especially mental tricks you will enhance your productivity and well-being and also protect yourself against burn-out, even remotely!
Training also available in Cevora catalogus!
`The biggest challenge for managers is to manage their team. remotely, to maintain social binding and to focus on the results through a good mindset, which is trust.
Learn how to detach yourself from your beliefs to gain a realistic but inspiring vision of this new, highly efficient and productive way of working for your team.
An adapted leadership will be presented and you will learn new ways to practice proximity management.
Whether in the office or at home, flexible work, new collaboration tools and managing your work-life balance all push you to adapt you way of working organizing yourself, don't they ?
Discover very easy tips to properly organise your spatial and virtual storage as well as manager your emails to remain productive.
Also, private and professional lives are more and more closely intertwined, stress increases and we have less and less time...In short, a good schedule with good time management will ensure that YOU decide on your agenda!
Setting up beautiful areas of collaboration, such as open space will not necessarily change behaviors.
Spotting what can affect your well-being and productivity is essential to find remedies on the behavioral and spatial planes because our 5 senses are under pressure.
In addition, there is the interesting challenge of collaborating between different generations, hierarchies and cultures.
Who am I and what do I need to work are essential questions but also how do manage my need for intimacy and interaction in the office ?
Come and discover visual, physical and mental tricks to appreciate and make the most of your work, environment and keep on enjoying and meeting with your colleagues.
Workplace nomadism means that w work more and more at home or in Third Places and your day back in the office comes up, this day should strengthen and maintain your sense of integration and social binding with our colleagues.
The office is more than a place to work or meet but a true 'place of happening', a social moment where meet up and interact easily among each other.
This is the reason why a Community Manager & Facilitator is essential and must be trained to create the sense of community among the collaborators but also towards the outside world so that your company and your premises are all together a workplace and a branding area.
`The biggest challenge for managers is to manage their team. remotely, to maintain social binding and to focus on the results through a good mindset, which is trust.
Learn how to detach yourself from your beliefs to gain a realistic but inspiring vision of this new, highly efficient and productive way of working for your team.
You will learn how to adapt your leadership and new ways of exercising proximity management.
The New World of Working is raising awareness within businesses to the fact that diversity is a strength!
Yet some diversities are more difficult to overcome, to integrate such as a person with a disability or deficiency. Teleworking is an incentive in recruiting people with disabilities but also to reintegrate an employee who returns to work after having had an accident causing his/her disability.
Here the managers will learn, after having reviewed beliefs and fears, how to best integrate the handicap in a team in an efficient and respectful way, adopt attitudes.
People with disabilities will be less affected by their disability and will be able to excel in their work and feel part of the business and have the same career opportunities.
Com listening to the podcast Radio RCF about people recruitment and management of persons with disabilities thanks to teleworking.
Technology brings about more work, which we have to deal with in less time. On top of it, we have hyper connectivity, the impossibility of disconnecting that will bring us new stress moments with adverse effects on our well-being and productivity.
Manage your technology and not the other way round and learn tu use all the benefits of these connected tools without being overwhelmed.
This fun and important workshop will allow you to become aware of your connectivity level, and create your Action List for freedom and independance!
You can learn Digital Detox!
Receive tips & tricks in this guide, self written by our trainer Christine Wittoeck!
This edition is available in Dutch. A different version can be asked in English upon request.
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